Fiona 2nd August 2020

Janet offered great kindness and practical support to John and I in the years when the children were small. They arrived at the house in Ousby with casseroles and pies - all gratefully received and enjoyed. Janet was always gracious, a listener who didn't push her opinion forward but, when she offered a view, it was an insightful and thoughtful one. She was one of our group called 'the aunties' - there were a few in the extended family - always thought of with affection and appreciation. We have lots of family stories of time with Janet in Stockport, Wales and Cumbria. Happy memories of days out and meals shared. When we spoke about our work in healthcare, we shared opinions and hopes for improvement to the system. She was self-evidently devoted to her work to make things better for individuals, teams and organisations. Clearly she was much respected and will be missed by a wide community of people whose lives are better because we knew her. With love to Satish and all your family, Fiona